Södra flygeln

Here you will find von Hermansson’s conference room with the Rosa Salongen. A meeting room in its own wing with the possibility of booking your own coffee shop directly adjacent. Upstairs there are three double rooms.

To the request

Meeting room in the Södra flygeln

  • Meeting room for max 10 p
  • Connecting coffee lounge
  • Wireless internet
  • Touch screen sk touchscreen
  • Speakers
  • Whiteboard
  • Notepads & pens
  • Fruit, water & sweets
  • Conference Service

Von Hermansson’s meeting room, 42 sqm

This lounge is perfect for the board or management team.
Here you sit in private around a boardroom table. Morning and afternoon coffee can be enjoyed in the adjoining coffee room, which you have to yourself during the day.

Session: Board session for max 10 people
Equipment:  65 inch touch screen (Clever touch) on stand incl. speakers, wireless internet and standing tables.
Whiteboard, flipchart, notepad, pen, fruit, sweets & water.

Rosa Salongen

Can be booked together with von Hermansson’s meeting room as a group room with private morning and afternoon coffee.

Booking request

    Arrival date

    Departure date

    Contact us

    Färna Herrgård 1, 739 70 Skinnskatteberg
    Phone: 0222 – 281 90
    Email: bokning@farnaherrgard.se