A natural medicine

Being “one with nature” has good effects on people’s ph ysical and mental health and clearly shows that the forest environment makes us relaxed, calm and harmonious.

Forest bathing, or shinrin-yoku as it is actually called, came about in the 1980s and was coined in Japan with the aim of reducing stress by maki ng use of all the impressions and assets of the forest.

Färna’s location between a nature reserve and an eco-park provides fantastic opportunities for forest bathing. Here there are walking paths, two easily accessible lakes and beautiful, old forest with green oases that can become a sanctuary just for you. Our staff at reception will be happy to give you a map of the area.

Tips for a forest bath

  1. Find a peaceful place in the forest where you can capture impressions of nature.
  2. Put the mobile phone away and let it rest.
  3. Stand still and notice what is around you.
  4. Walk slowly and be aware of your surroundings.
  5. Stop and explore what you discover with all your senses.
  6. Just sit still and try to “take” nature into your body.

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    Contact us

    Färna Herrgård 1, 739 70 Skinnskatteberg
    Tel: 0222-281 90
    Mail: bokning@farnaherrgard.se