A nice and relaxing spa experience after the meeting

Gather the whole group in the relaxation section at the Spa. Everyone gets a foot bath and foot peeling to do themselves, a hand wrap and a 10-minute neck massage by a spa therapist.

Price: SEK 300/person excluding VAT. (4-20 people at the same time)
Time required: approx. 60 min.

ATTENTION! ! In our pool and relaxation area, we do not stay in normal clothes, but bathing or training clothes apply here.

Tips on options!

Book our wonderful char cuterie tray and something good to drink.

For extra enjoyment, add Färna’s spa ritual to everyone.
The ritual includes: Instructions, softening foot salt, body scrub, face scrub, face mask, body shower, body lotion and foot file. Products from c/o GERD.
Price: SEK 223/person excluding VAT.

This includes:

  • Neck massage, 10 min, by spa therapist
  • Do-it-yourself foot bath with foot peeling
  • Hand wrapping

Send booking request

    Arrival date

    Departure date

    Contact us

    Färna Herrgård 1, 739 70 Skinnskatteberg
    Tel: 0222-281 90
    Mail: bokning@farnaherrgard.se